Contact a Construction Attorney When Assistance Needed
Video Transcribed: Tulsa Construction attorney Brian Carter with And I’m going to take a minute to discuss what an employer can expect in the event there’s an on the job injury resulting in a workers’ compensation claim.
And the employee who’s injured does have 30 days to report the injury, and after that 30 days there’s a presumption created that the injury did not happen on the job. And that’s, obviously, not an absolute just a presumption.
At that point, once the employer is notified of the injury, the employer has 10 days to file their notice of injury with the Workers’ Comp Commission, or any other recording, or reporting requirements they may have.
And, at that point, the employer would have an additional 10 days after the notice of the injury to either accept, or controvert the claim, or ask for an extension of filing an extension. Typically, that happens when more facts need to be discovered regarding the injury.
At the next step, one can expect is to hear from the Compensation Commission regarding counseling, and programs, and mediation to help resolve the claim. And when that is not the practical, or can’t get things resolved that way that’s typically when the lawyers get involved, depending on if the injured employee hires an attorney to help resolve the claim.
And, at which point, the insurance company would assign the claim to an attorney to defend against. Really, after that, the employers may not have much involvement other than production of documents or possible witnesses and testimony regarding the injury.
So, that’s a couple of the things that an employer can look forward to. It’s not a fast process, but it is the process that our state has enacted to deal with injured employees on the job. Thanks for watching. Brian Carter,