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Video Transcribed: Tulsa attorney Brian Carter with, and a real quick note on a liability regarding workers’ compensation. Most people believe that workers’ compensation shields them from, or their company from liability when a worker is injured on a job.
However, there is an exception to this, where the employer has acted intentionally to bring about an employee’s injury, and the intentional actions fall outside of the workers’ comp system. And intentional action can be a willful, deliberate, specific intent to bring about harm to an employee, or a situation where a substantial injury is certain to occur.
And a good example of that would be a dangerous work condition where an employee is required to perform, and result in an injury. There’s a famous case with a gentleman who fell off of a roof because of insufficient safety measures, and ultimately fell to his death.
The employer was liable for intentionally causing his death, as the situation that the employee was required to work under was unsafe, and thus certain injury could occur there.
So it’s worker’s compensation is not an absolute protection, so it’s important to be mindful of these other considerations, especially when dangerous work conditions are present. Thanks for watching Brian Carter,