Contact a Construction Attorney When Assistance Needed
Video Transcribed: Tulsa construction attorney Brian Carter with, and just wanted to review a few of the areas that we can help contractors and other individuals and companies involved in the construction industry with attorneys here at our firm.
Routinely help with alternative dispute resolution, bankruptcy issues, permitting, construction claims, lien issues, insurance issues, surety law, bonding, contract negotiations, contract drafting and review, dealing with administrative agencies, such as OSHA and the EPA or state environmental agencies, defending against construction claims for defect, delays, disruptions, et cetera.
We also assist in advising on federal and local construction practices, contracting practices. We help with payment and collection actions, as well as resolving unresolved claims, and also with general planning and management to avoid future problems, such as help with proposals and construction management services and best practice considerations.
And that’s just a handful of the services we offer. It’s not a complete list, but it’s a fairly broad spectrum of services we provide. Any other questions, you can reach us at